The Outdoor Experience

“Like music and art, love of nature is a common language that can transcend political or social boundaries. “–JIMMY CARTER 

The outdoors experience is a nature sensation, about the inner workings of the mind and brain, it is about how those relate to being outside and the medical benefits for one’s meatal health. It is created by Cooper Stafford, and it propose is to help with their meatal health with a way more coast free and enjoyable method then tadeonal therapy. “I created the movement as a way share what I can get from being outside and going camping” Stafford reportable said.  

I personally have come to learn some very interesting things about being outside and in nature such as how it has medical effects on your meatal health. It can help level out dopamine levels in your brain, this means that it medically can help someone deal with problems like depression anxiety or stress in your daily life. It also can help make you feel happier during and after your camping or backpacking trip. It can also help with getting a better night’s sleep. Because melatonin regulates your sleep and when you spend a great amount of time at school or at work in artificial light it can suppress melatonin meaning while it might not feel like it you can get a better sleep while camping as there is no artificial light. 

It has also been very cool to have an epistolary exchange with the outdoor experience –as I’ve noticed from looking at the writings that my topic of the outdoor experience likes it when I do something related to being outside weather that be describing what I am going to do this climbing season on my climbing team or talking to it about what I did over the weekend that was outside. I think it wants me to be outside more but there’s not much more I can because of COVID-19.  

It’s like how the introductory quote says, how “Like music and art, love of nature is a common language that can transcend political or social boundaries.” JIMMY CARTER. I agree. Nature should not be assonated with politics. Everyone should be able to enjoy what it has to offer without societal ramifications. That is what we want to encourage.   

For, by joining this movement, I believe you will come to also understand the importance of going outside and getting the feeling of freedom. As well help with your mental state to improve problems like stress, anxiety, or depression you might encounter in your everyday life. People need to take more time to work on your mental health and we can offer a low coast, and fun means of doing so that is scientifically back to work. 

You can contact me through my email or website:

Written by: Cooper Stafford

This article was written by emma127

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