People With a Job Still Can’t Afford a House

Contrary to the vision of the left, it was free market which produced affordable housing – before government intervention made housing unaffordable.

– Thomas Sowell

Affordable housing has been a crisis for many years now. People complain and say stuff about it but do not take action. We think we do not have enough but we have a roof over our head, we have a home, but still we are not satisfied. What satisfies you then? 

I personally have come to learn some very interesting things about affordable housing such as the different ways people take it to them because I saw this thing and people say housing is affordable, but the people that are saying that are multi-millionaires. The homeless stable people are talking about how they don’t have any dang money for it because they don’t have a home and the want one, but now everything is going up and nothing is coming down to help people and to lend a helping hand to those in need. 

It has also been very cool to have an epistolary exchange with affordable housing as I’ve noticed from looking at the writings that my topic of affordable housing feels that we as a society need to step up with this topic. We need to reach out and help those people in need. Yes, we need to fund the military, but spending over 3 trillion dollars is unreal. We need to split that money and put it into affordable housing for the homeless and people in need. 

  It’s like the introductory quote says, that it used to be poor people and homelessness and now its people that are having a paying salary that cannot afford the super high market for renting and buying. Lots of these people who are making money are not able to buy a house because of the ridiculous prices. 

For, by joining this movement, I believe you will come to also realize how much of a crisis this topic is, and we try and see different ways to overcome it but what do we do to do it? We do not. Instead, we spend over 3 trillion dollars on the military and take all this money for other things, yet we could be done with this crisis if we got people to mental hospitals and put stable homeless people in homes. 

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Written by Maguire Darragh  


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